Engineering a Path to Sales Excellence – Christopher Tomesko, COO


Christopher Tomesko, the COO of Albert Weiss Air Conditioning Products, steps into the Sales Lead Dog spotlight, bringing with him a trail of successes and insights from the fiercely competitive world of sales. His story isn’t just about climbing the corporate ladder; it’s a testament to the tenacity and inquisitive nature that transformed an engineer into a sales virtuoso. Throughout our engaging conversation, Christopher delves into the attributes that have marked his journey—passion for the job, a competitive streak, and an extroverted personality—showing us the power of embracing one’s natural talents to carve out a fulfilling career in sales and operations. 

In the heart of our discussion, the value of mentorship and the art of asking the right questions come to the forefront. Christopher pays homage to the mentors who sculpted his professional ethos, from Neil Eccles’ foundational influence to the collective wisdom of industry peers like Grant Neve and Ron Posner. He opens up about his own transition into a leadership role that leverages his engineering mindset, sharing his philosophy of empowering his team to independently navigate challenges. The conversation is a treasure trove for anyone looking to foster a culture of autonomy and success within their own teams. 

Finally, we tackle the tactical intricacies of managing customer relationships and the construction value chain, especially within the demanding New York market. Christopher provides a behind-the-scenes look at the strategic balance of advocating for multiple manufacturers while maintaining strong partnerships and responsive service. As we conclude, his passion for genuine connection and transparency in sales shines through, offering a fresh perspective for those eager to enhance their skills in sales leadership. Join us as we uncover the strategies that have propelled Christopher Tomesko to the forefront of sales excellence. 

Christopher Tomesko, a seasoned executive with over two decades of experience in engineering, sales, and leadership, currently serves as the Chief Operating Officer at Albert Weiss Air Conditioning Products. Holding both Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees in Engineering from Stevens Institute of Technology, he brings a strong technical foundation to his role. Throughout his career at companies like Schneider Electric, Johnson Controls, Mechanical Technologies, and HVAC Enterprises, Christopher has consistently delivered exceptional results and contributed to organizational growth. 

Since joining Albert Weiss two years ago, Christopher has tripled the company’s size through strategic initiatives. He fosters a collaborative and mentoring culture, empowering colleagues to reach their potential. Christopher’s leadership drives transformative change and sets new industry standards, positioning Albert Weiss for continued success and innovation. 

“In sales, it’s not just about making transactions; it’s about making connections. The stronger your relationships, the stronger your results.” 

“Embracing your natural talents can lead to unexpected career paths. For me, my competitive spirit, curiosity, and extroverted nature opened doors to sales leadership I never anticipated.” 

“Mentorship is about sculpting the professional ethos of the next generation. I owe my success to the wisdom of mentors and strive to pay it forward every day.” 

“The art of asking the right questions isn’t just a sales technique; it’s a leadership strategy that empowers teams to become autonomous problem-solvers.” 


Chris’s LinkedIn 

Albert Weiss A/C Products Inc. 


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