
Four Common Dynamics CRM Mistakes Your Organization Might Be Making

I have seen it all too often. An organization spends a great deal of time and money to acquire and implement Dynamics CRM in an effort to enhance business operations, customer acquisition, client retention and data gathering. But despite all the bells and whistles inherent in Dynamics CRM, some businesses simply find that the technology is not performing or producing the way it should. While some are quick to blame the technology itself, the fault for most underperforming systems and CRM mistakes falls almost exclusively on human errors and behaviors.

So, what are the main culprits stymying the success of your Dynamics CRM and keeping your organization from the enhanced processes and insightful data you need?



It’s called dirty data and it is a chronic CRM mistakes in business today. It can also screech the success of your CRM down to a halt. Inconsistent, inaccurate, incomplete or duplicate data puts your entire implementation at risk. While I could write volumes on the ways each of these operational blunders occur (click here to read “Dirty Data: Why Your Data Is Going Rogue”), suffice to say, user error is often ground zero.

By entering dirty data into your CRM, your system is kneecapped and your end product is diluted and untrustworthy, at best.



The success of any CRM is incredibly dependent upon the efficacy of user training and adoption. Change is hard for some people and avoiding it is simply part of their nature. For organization with more change-resisters than perhaps their fair share, user adoption and compliancy can difficult beasts to wrangle. But lack of compliancy is a huge CRM mistake and will emasculate even the best Dynamics CRM implementations.

The key here is to embrace initial and ongoing user training. There are a number of ways to successfully implement a sustained CRM training program based on your organization’s individual needs and user behaviors. If you think your CRM training and compliancy are not where they should be, it is essential that you consult with a Dynamics CRM firm with expertise in user adoption and performance.



As the old saying goes, it takes two to tango. As mentioned, every organization includes some folks who simply resist change and want to approach a process in their own way. Although perhaps myopic, many of these users truly believe that their unique process is the correct way and often can back it up with years of experience and success. And while they might have a valid point, it simply doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of your CRM. In order for your Dynamics CRM to produce and perform the way it should, it is imperative to have consistency and compliancy in processes throughout the organization. And enforcement lies purely on the shoulders of management. Many larger enterprises retain a CRM compliancy and enforcement expert as part of their management team, while others simply appoint an operations or technology team member to oversee departmental compliancy.

It really doesn’t matter who you decide on, as long as someone is keeping their eye on the process enforcement ball.



Dynamics CRM is a gamechanger for multitudes of organizations with the capability to enhance nearly every aspect of the business. But the technology itself is truly just the means by which key processes take place. And without an insightful, thoughtful and thorough process assessment and implementation, the entire CRM endeavor you might be considering is truly all for naught. Many CRMs fail due to poor process vetting at the onset of the implementation.

My best piece of advice for those considering adding Dynamics CRM or upgrading their current system, is to give the most credence to those CRM experts who obsess over current process assessments and future process goals. Having a keen eye for process implementation and reengineering is what truly differentiates and distinguishes the best Dynamics CRM experts. They are the special few who are able to synthesize the technology and industry know how with encyclopedic understanding and creativity. Their insight and expertise can transform your business.

CRM mistakes happen every day; but your Dynamics CRM is too important to your organization to fail. So if you even have a hunch that your technology isn’t producing the way it should be, I urge you to get the help you need. Each day spent with an underperforming CRM is a day of missed opportunity.

By Christopher Smith, Founder, Empellor CRM