
Getting Buy-In from Users: Making It Personal

Launching a new CRM creates great change within your company. And it is very important to reach out to your employees on an individual basis and get a sense of how the implementation has gone for them. Scheduling a check in meeting can give you valuable insight into the transition. And also construct a system of meaningful support and training for your employees.

Why Should Meetings be Individual?

Taking the initiative to reach out to employees in the first few days. After going live can tremendously shape the culture change and trajectory of employee outlook in a positive way. Speaking with individuals in a one-to-one setting encourages your employees to voice their questions and address any concerns that they may not want to bring up in a group environment. Since everyone learns at different speeds, receiving personalized support will aid your team in making bigger strides as a whole, and ensure that each and every user feels like they have the knowledge needed to make the big changes happen.

Be Patient with User Mishaps in check in meeting

In the days following check-in and implementation, many employees find that they may need additional training regarding the new system. Since it is common for new processes to be put in place alongside new technologies, it is certainly to be expected that there will be a learning curve associated with CRM. Be prepared to be patient with employees who are in the middle of adjusting their daily operations. And provide them with resources for support. Be willing to help employees build repeatability in their daily routines and know that it may be a few weeks until it truly feels like things are coming together.

Determine the Need for More CRM Training Along With Check In meeting:

Providing follow up within the first few days after the system is implemented allows users to get a hands-on understanding of the new processes and technologies. And then assess what additional training they need in order to thrive. Every individual is different, so no matter how much training you have given your employees prior to going live. Each one of them will have their own set of strengths and weaknesses in approaching this new technology. Some people might trip over new processes or check-in, and others might take a while to adjust to new interfaces and systems. This is normal in an adjustment period, use these meetings to discern the best course of action for new training materials or workshops.

Build Confidence and Trust… and Schedule Again

Plan to meet for another follow up or check in meeting in a few months so that you can be there for employees as they develop mastery of CRM. Reference your notes from their initial appointments and use them to affirm your workers for the ways they have demonstrated their strengths. Consider challenging them with opportunities for growth. Help employees understand that their experience matters and that the company will continue looking for ways to support them in their knowledge and understanding of the system. Engaging with staff is not a one-time thing, so show your employees that you are working with them through the changes and that you value their feedback and efforts.

For more details about bolstering your employees during CRM implementation, call us at 303-482-2909.